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Excel Intermediate

Helping You Use IT Better


Learning Objectives

  • Managing Worksheets
  • Using Tables data structure
  • Soring and Filtering data in Lists and tables
  • Subtotalling data
  • Format cells based on contents of cells or other cells
  • Work across multiple sheets


  • Create a basic worksheet
  • Modify a workbook
  • Use simple formulas and functions
  • Format an Excel worksheet
  • Manage worksheets and workbooks
  • Set up printing options

Course Content

Viewing and Managing Worksheets

  • Hide or Show Worksheets or Workbooks
  • Freezing Panes
  • Page Views
  • Working with Multiple Sheets


  • Tables Overview
  • Creating Tables
  • Delete Tables
  • Formatting Tables
  • Changing Table Design
  • Table Tools
  • Using External Data

Sorting and Filtering Data

  • AutoFilter
  • AutoFilter - Sorting List Data on a Single Column
  • Sorting Data based on Multiple Criteria
  • AutoFilter - Filtering Data
  • Slicers in Tables

Using Lists – Subtotalling Data

  • Subtotalling Data
  • Grouping and Ungrouping Data for Subtotals
  • Summarising a Subtotalled List
  • Outlining
  • Remove Subtotals
  • Adding Total to Filtered Lists

Conditional Formatting

  • Format Based on Data Contained in Cells
  • Managing Formatting Rules
  • Format Cells using a Formula
  • Colour Scale and Data Bar Formats

Working with Multiple Sheets

  • Changing the Number of Worksheets Available at Start-up
  • Working with Sheets
  • Worksheet Tab Properties
  • Move and Copy Worksheets
  • Group Mode
  • Fill Data across Worksheets
  • 3‐D Formulae
  • Protect Worksheet Data
  • View Worksheets Side by Side
  • Watch Window



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