Loyal Customers penalised on broadband costs

Does your broadband costs suddenly jump after an introductory deal ends? Citizens Advice has said that the cheapest broadband prices increase by an average of 43% or £113 a year.

Many customers were unaware of the price increases. The rises amount to a “loyalty penalty” for customers who stay with the same provider, Citizens Advice said. The £113 figure represents a five-fold rise on what customers were paying on average in 2011 to stay on the same broadband deal.

Four of the five biggest internet service providers had these “loyalty penalties”:

  • BT 12 month contract: £198 (67% increase)
  • Sky 12 months: £120 (53% increase)
  • EE 18 months: £90 (36% increase)
  • TalkTalk 24 months: £66 (28% increase)

Virgin Media’s 12 month plan was the only one that didn’t impose a loyalty penalty when the initial term of the contract ended.

Add into this how broadband suppliers have increased their prices:

BT ,Sky, Virgin Media and TalkTalk have all put up their prices in the past 12 months.

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-39555140

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